



        • L'Architeure d'Aujourd'hui 165
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        L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 165

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        The working environment (december 1972)

        In this issue :

        - Gulf States paper corporation central office at Tuscaloosa. Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild and Paschal
        - Arrangement studies for landscape-type offices
        - Ipswich main office for Willis Faber and Dumas. Foster Associates, London
        - I.B.M., Cosham, UK. Foster Assocates
        - Commercial and Industrial Bank, Memphis, USA. Gassner, Nathan, Browne
        - Deutsche Olivetti in Frankfurt, Egon Eierman
        - Soudure autogene française at Saint-Ouen-L'aumone, France. J.Barry Delongchamps
        - Administration building for Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals at Basle, M.B
        - A.Z.M Offices at Heerlen, the Netherlands. J.F.M Kees of Laurens Bisscheroux, Heerleen
        - Transamerica corporation building, San Francisco. W.Pereira
        - Swedish government offices Garnisonen, Stockholm. A4 Arkitektontor, T. Hertzell
        - Studio of the Austrian Radio corporation, G. Peichi
        - Offices of the C.C.C.H.C.I, rue Olivier-de-Serre, Paris XVe. J.Mortreux and P.Jougleux
        - Meca Pneumatics at Wondelgem, Belgium. Bureau B.A.R.O, Ghent
        - Mobili Bergamo Spa, Bergamo, Italy. Barbera, Ciaga, Gambirasio and Zenoni
        - Proving the Hawthorne effect
        - Arm Italia Factory at Cinisello Balsamo, A. Mangiarotti
        - The Klaxon and Frankani Plants at Evreux, France. P.Scali
        - Sheet Iron Works at Saint-Genies. B.Kohn, G.Maurios
        - Angus Spa, Casavatore, Naples, Office Extension. M.Pica Ciamarra
        - G.I.E.D Offices and Warehouse at Rueil-Malmaison, France. Ch.Roux-Dorlut
        - Olivetti Offices at Florence. A. Galardi
        - Centraal Beheer at Apeldoorn, H.Hertzberger, Amsterdam
